Today we decided to meet some friends from Idaho Falls at Lagoon. We almost didn't go because of the weather, but went anyway. I'm glad that we did! It was perfect weather. It wasn't too hot or too cold.
When we were walking around looking for a place to eat Ryan thought he was sooo funny because the sign on this little food shack said "Olde Mill" Well he had to take a picture because he calls me Mill & Mille. I was freezing at this point because it had just started to rain. Can't you tell I'm just thrilled by the look on my face! :)

This one is a little better, but I was still freezing!!
I haven't been to Lagoon for years, I think the last time I went I was in High School and I used to go every summer with my dad. There were alot of new rides which were fun. We didn't go on any of the water rides because we would have been freezing. It was only 60* all day.
I got really excited because Ryan told me that he wanted to ride the Sky Coaster and the Catapult with me. Those are the 2 rides that you have to pay extra for. I had always wanted to go on them before, but noone would ever go with me! So...I was really excited that Ryan was going to do them with me. Well....we had just got off of the Rocket and apparently the free fall made Ryan want to barf and so he decided that there was noway he was going to go on the Sky Coaster or the Catapult. I was so sad!! So I thought, fine, then I'll go by myself if noone else wants to! Finally Dustin's cousin Talia said that she would go with me on the catapult.
We were freaking out the whole time because once you get buckled in, they roll this ball backwards and you just set there and wait to be launched into the air. I swear I was trying to control my breathing because my heart was beating so fast. And my knuckles were white from holding onto the handles so tightly. Finally they launched us into the air. The second we took off both of us girls started screaming. It was the most amazing thing ever!!! That thing goes as high as the ferris wheel! We were just bouncing around like a bouncy ball. There is a certain way you can place your feet, and if you don't place them too high then you won't spin in the air. If you place them too high then you will spin more. I don't think it mattered because we were spinning like crazy and it was so scary because we were upside down and plummeting towards the ground. Wow, it was so worth it!!! Ryan was really surprised that I wanted to go, so he took a video with our cell phones. You can't really see me and Talia, but you can hear us screaming for sure.
I'm so glad we went. I think we will definitely have to plan to go every year. I forgot how much fun Lagoon is!